We are at the very important stage where you need to start evaluating your work and your own performance. To help you out (and for the first hour of the lesson) you need to complete both forms which will help you structure your future evaluation AND can be used to evidence areas of weakness and where potential problems may arise.
This is a priority as you need to show how your project has linked to pre-production and if it hasn't (weakness) how you plan to rectify this or can reflect on why you have made the changes.
Below is a break-down of what the acronym SWOT means and below that is an exemplar I have created. Don't just copt it, make it personal to you!
Reminder: editing starts on FRIDAY - you need to bring your files and we will make the rushes LOG. I will also do a class tutorial on some new editing techniques. This form/SWOT analysis needs to be brought to the following lesson or can be e-mailed to me.
Link to .doc file if you want to word process.